
Drowning in paperwork and missed deadlines? Feeling overwhelmed by cumbersome management processes? Anesa.id is your life raft to calmer waters. We're your one-stop solution for ditching inefficiency and embracing streamlined success.

But this isn't just another set of tools – it's expertise built into every feature. Anesa.id is spearheaded by seasoned professionals who understand the challenges you face and the solutions that truly work. We equip you with powerful, user-friendly software that's like having a dedicated virtual assistant – one backed by the knowledge and guidance of efficiency experts.

Say Goodbye to

Missed deadlines

Our systems and expertise ensure projects stay on track and deliveries arrive when they should.

Frustrated clients

Delight your customers with predictable performance and exceed their expectations

Cumbersome management

Ditch the spreadsheets and mountains of paperwork – we have intuitive systems for smooth operation

Inefficient workflows

Break down silos and automate tasks. We'll help you unlock seamless execution


Enhanced productivity

Get things done faster and with less effort, freeing you to focus on your core business.

Empowered teams

Foster collaboration and accountability, driving collective success

Improved visibility

Gain real-time insights and adapt your approach dynamically

Thriving business

Unlock your full potential for sustainable growth and profitability

Why we exist?

Real-time visibility into all station ground handling activities and Monitor and optimize revenue potential with accurate forecasting Generate customized reports for any need, including invoices and financial statements

Boost overall efficiency Empower faster decision-making with data-driven insights

Software Ground Handling

Your airside maestro, orchestrating a symphony of seamless ground handling. Real-time checking, prioritized based on urgency, and efficient resource allocation – all at your fingertips through a mobile device.

Software Asset Management

Your asset management ace, Say goodbye to endless spreadsheets and lost items! ARMS meticulously tracks your assets, from checkouts to depreciation, With mobile-friendly control and effortless tracking, your assets are always where you need them, streamlining operations and boosting productivity.

Be efficience & More Productive with


Efficiency management is the process of optimizing the use of resources to achieve the desired outcomes with minimal waste or effort. It involves techniques like:

1. Process analysis and improvement

2. Resource allocation and scheduling

3. Performance measurement and tracking

4. Technology adoption and automation

The goal of efficiency management is to improve productivity, profitability, and punctuality.


There are many benefits to using an efficiency management tech company, including:

1. Improved efficiency and productivity: By optimizing processes and workflows, you can get more done with less effort.

2. Reduced costs: You can save money by eliminating waste and automating tasks.

3. Enhanced visibility and control: You can gain real-time insights into your operations, allowing you to identify and address problems quickly.

4. Improved decision-making: You can make data-driven decisions based on accurate and reliable information.

5. Increased employee satisfaction: Employees are more likely to be satisfied if they work in an efficient and organized environment.



Any business can benefit from using an efficiency management, regardless of size or industry:

  1. Aviation companies: Can improve Ground activity efficiency time and reduce delay.
  2. Manufacturing companies: Can improve production efficiency and reduce waste.
  3. Retail companies: Can optimize inventory management and improve customer service.
  4. Healthcare companies: Can streamline hospital crew and reduce costs,

The specific services offered by ANESA.ID are:
1. Process analysis

2. Workflow automation
3. Performance management software
4. Data analytics
5. Training and support
